“Value Beyond Measure” by Joy D. Jones - Oct. 2017 Women’s Session General Conference

Joy D. Jones, General President of the Primary, spoke to daughters of God everywhere about their value and infinite worth. Here are some quotes from her talk:
"Before I had the gospel in my life, I was always trying to prove to others that I was someone special. But when I learned the truth, that I am a daughter of God, I didn’t have to prove anything to anyone. I knew that I was special. … Don’t ever think that you are nothing."- Renu Singh
"The worth of a soul is its capacity to become as God."- President Thomas S. Monson
"Truly knowing that you are a daughter of God will affect every aspect of your life and guide you in the service you render each day."
“God is your Father. He loves you. He and your mother in heaven value you beyond any measure. … You are unique. One of a kind, made of the eternal intelligence which gives you claim upon eternal life. Let there be no question in your mind about your value as an individual. The whole intent of the gospel plan is to provide an opportunity for each of you to reach your fullest potential, which is eternal progression and the possibility of godhood.” - President Spencer W. Kimball
"Spiritual worth means to value ourselves the way Heavenly Father values us, not as the world values us. ...worthiness is achieved through obedience."
"If we sin, we are less worthy, but we are never worth less!"
“The least, the most inferior spirit now upon the earth … is worth worlds.” - Brigham Young
"Satan is the father of all lies, especially when it comes to misrepresentations about our own divine nature and purpose. Thinking small about ourselves does not serve us well. Instead it holds us back."
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” - Theodore Roosevelt
“He that receiveth of God, let him account it of God; and let him rejoice that he is accounted of God worthy to receive.” - Joseph Smith
" We may seldom, if ever, receive huge spiritual manifestations in our lives; but we can frequently savor the sweet whisperings of the Holy Ghost verifying the truth of our spiritual worth."
“Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God; “For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.” - D&C 18:10-11
“As we remove the distractions that pull us toward the world and exercise our agency to seek Him, we open our hearts to a celestial force which draws us toward Him." - Elder Paul E. Koelliker
"If the love we feel for the Savior and what He did for us is greater than the energy we give to weaknesses, self-doubts, or bad habits, then He will help us overcome the things which cause suffering in our lives."
"If we choose to focus on our negative thoughts and doubt our worth instead of clinging to the Savior, it becomes more difficult to feel the impressions of the Holy Ghost."
"Sisters, let’s not be confused about who we are! While it is often easier to be spiritually passive than it is to put forth the spiritual effort to remember and embrace our divine identity, we cannot afford that indulgence."
"As the Savior lifts us to higher ground, we can see more clearly not only who we are but also that we are closer to Him than we ever imagined."


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